I first came across this company in Casa Luca, a really fun store in Montreal. They had these shopping bags that my friend and I thought were simply hilarious.
"Les fruits sont nos amis"
Bah oui...et on mange pas ses amis
Ca se fait pas
"Fruits are our friends"
but people don't eat their friends
That's just wrong
"Les fruits sont plains de vitamines"
Est-ce que j'ai l'air plein de vitamines?
"Fruits are full of vitamins"
Do I look full of vitamins?
Come on
I can't find a way off the top of my head to translate it to really retain the "tone", but I think a lot of these products only really work in French and that's what I love about them. They're funny and oh-so-Parisien, I can just hear the accent when I read the little blurbs.
They also have a lot of other "text-free" products.

I really love this napkin dispenser - might just be my next purchase.
I found dlp's official website, but it seems to be lacking in the "browse our goods area" (and every other area for that matter). But there are a couple of e-tailers that sell their stuff. Most are based in France and most only have their site in French and some don't seem to ship to Canada, but their still to browse. Retailers in Montreal (that I know of) are Renaud-Bray and, as mentioned above, Casa Luca.
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