fashion, food, home decor for a fickle heart

Keep Calm or Freak Out?

I've been seeing this poster a lot lately.
And I'm a little embarassed to admit that I had no idea what it was and that I was, in no way, inclined to even find. Then I came across it printed on a mug while shopping at the Bramble House with my mom. I had figured a while back that the poster was probably a British-thing (note the crown), and I figured who better to ask about this then my British mother. She didn't know.

I just found out that it was a propaganda scheme cooked up by the British Government in 1939 at the beginning of the WWII, in the event that Nazi Germany succeed in taking England. It was never distributed and it was only rediscovered in 2000. (source: Wikipedia. Don't judge, it has decent answers to all my questions.)

What prompted me to look it up was this:
I was browsing the t-shirts on and came across this. I thought it was really funny, but felt like I was still missing something.

After looking it up, I checked out the image results for "keep calm and carry on" and some people are getting creative with this poster, using it as a template for different messages: "Get Creative and Make Things", "Keep Dogs and Carry On" "Don't Tell Me to Settle Down"

I think the "Now Panic and Freak Out" is the funniest. I would love to have both poster in the house, in different places and put the original in the entrance (or something) so people sit it first. It will be especially funny when people come across the second one.

This really opens the door personalize this poster for your home or office. Can you think of a clever slogan?

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