fashion, food, home decor for a fickle heart


Away From Sanity.

Ok as far as titles go, that one isn't great. But it feels right.

I haven't been around of late because I had some other pressing issues to attend to...

stuff like freaking out.

My last official exam is on April 26, which is not why I'm losing my shit.
I have to find a job!
No, I'm sorry. I mean a bloody career!?
How did I not see this coming?

I've been waiting for this for so long-

I've sent out about 27 gazillion resumes,
and no word yet,

I know that the hiring process can take a while.
But tell me - how come when people try to make me feel better
they say things like "Oh yeah, it took me like 8 months to find a job after graduation"?

That is not what I want to hear right now.
But I suppose it is better than "Really?! Took me like a week to find my awesome, bitchin' job here at the coolest company this side of the universe."

I've managed to calm down a bit, found me a "summer" job while I look for something minorly related to my field. And I'm trying to go about the whole thing systematically. This is where my compulsive need to make lists and write everything down pays off.

First and foremost, I got to study. I haven't quite graduated yet, so I'll get that out of the way.

And so I leave you with a funny picture of what I would look like if I were a cat.

Ok, I'm not that bad...but I had to share.

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