fashion, food, home decor for a fickle heart

Books Galore

The Boy and I are big on books. We have a compulsion to get our hands on every book we can and we won't get rid of a single one - and that includes our many, many textbooks from school.

...and that's not it.
 Books have begun to spill over onto our Enetri shelves
(as an aside,
I really think that I could use a picture or something
to put on the wall over the shelves...
but then again, this side of the living room has already got enough going on.
What do you think?)

This is what I meant when I said that we were quickly running out of space in the apartment for all our books in a previous post. I would probably need to get rid of some furniture to fit those pieces in here, but it's a moot point when you consider their price tags.

As much as I love having all those books, I think that if we had our own place we could renovate and rebuild a room just around our books as the "centerpiece".

For example...

Ike Kligerman Barkley

This last image is from a book that The Boy's sister got me as a gift.

How perfect is this?


I can't wait to just curl up in bed and devour this book!

(By the way,
sorry for not having 
photo credits for
every picture...
these are pictures that
I have amassed just visiting
blogs and design websites
and I lost track of where
they all came from :( )

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