fashion, food, home decor for a fickle heart

Back to School

The winter semester started about a week ago, so it's back to the books for me...and when I say books, I mean laptop, which isn't much of difference at all. The difference is, however, how I spend my time when I'm at the keyboard. No more wiling away the time by perusing numerous fashion/design blogs, looking through tons of online stores or reading about which celebrity did what this week. Nope, now I get to spend hours reading through government websites and law terminology banks, looking up words and nitpicking every single definition, not to mention attempting to learn the International Phonetic Alphabet.
I took a quick break from all that to spell out how much I miss doing stuff. I realize the semester has only just began, but it's always hardest right at the beginning, especially the winter semester. It's cold, it gets dark insanely early and everyone's broke! No one wants to go anywhere or do anything (including myself, I must admit). We're all in hibernation mode, at least as much as we can be. We go out only when it's absolutely necessary, if that. I can't say how many times I've had cereal for supper because I just couldn't muster the courage to go get some groceries...the real problem is when you run out of  milk. Dry cereal...not so great.

But I digress, I don't miss getting groceries. I miss the freedom of coming and going, of sitting on the balcony, of barbecues. I miss the sun. I miss my summer clothes! I miss wearing skirts and shorts and dresses. And yes, I know I can wear dresses, skirts and even shorts in winter (of course, not the same dresses, skirts and shorts I wear in  the summer), but January is simply that time of the year where I practically live in sweats and pyjama bottoms (there are worse things life, I admit. And I, by no means, am trying to lessen the value of the noble pyjama bottom...or sweats).
(and they aren't lying! so cozy!)

I'm admiring my closet full of clothing, my mirror draped with necklaces and my jewelry case bulging with earrings and I miss getting dressed up. But evidently, not enough to make any kind of effort to find an occasion to do so. So to assuage my fashion appetite and my guilt at shunning my rather extensive collection of clothes, shoes and accessories, here are some of my most-missed favourites...




 sparkly accessories and the like...

summer jewelry...

And my very favourite, my Zara leather boots

I agonized for -literally- hours before I decided to dish out the money for these. Despite the fact that they broke my teeny, tiny piggy-bank I totally adore them and they were worth every penny.

I gotta admit that I feel a little better. I guess it's just a question of taking some time to rummage through my closet.

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